
Bizstry - Business Help Now


Startups, Entrepreneurs, Franchises, Brands, Trade Names, Domain Names, Web Sites, Business Systems, ERP, CRM, CMS. Custom Development, Fast and Affordable Solutions from Templates. The right price for everyone.

Solve, Simplify, Save! on Apps, Reports, Desktop, Mobile, Web, SEO, SEM, SMO, SMM, CMS, CRM, ERP, PC’s, Networks. Special rates for Small Business.

Products and Services
Project Management | Network Administration | Meaningful Use Compliance | Application Development | Application Management | SharePoint Portal | Business Intelligence | Casino Games

Business Applications Solutions
Enterprise Resource Planing (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Content Management System (CMS), Accounting, Financial Reporting, Business Intelligence, Affiliate Server, Subscription, Billing, Inventory Management, Document Management, Publishing, Web Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Calendar, Meeting Planner, Online Meeting, Desktop Sharing, Online Simulator, Learning (LMS), Web Site Builder. Desktop, Cloud, Mobile, Desktop, Cloud.

Project Management
Planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling resources to achieve your goals in Information Technology, Networks and Applications Development, Implementation, Maintenance and Migration.

Enterprise Network Administration
Planning, organizing, and managing staff and operations to ensure the stable operation of your organization's IT infrastructure Networks, Implementation, Maintenance and Migrations.

Great for Entrepreneurs, Startups and Small Business. Domain Name, Brand, Search, Apps, Mobile, Web Sites, Promotion, SEO, SEM, SMO, SMM, CMS, Sharepoint, Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, Office Suite, Open Office, Office 365, Microsoft Cloud, Word Processing, Open Office, Google Apps, Spreadsheets, Excel, Database, Access, MySQL, SQL Server, SSRS, SSIS, SSAS, BIDS, Development, Programming, Integration, Migration, Import/Export, Reverse Engineering, Testing, VB, VBA, c#, .net, php, Java, LAMP, Presentation, PowerPoint, Visio, Documentation, Online Cloud, Smartsheets, Evernote, Reports, Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, PC, Desktop, Network, Security, Virus, Troubleshooting, Diagnostics, Help Desk, Printers, Copiers, Plotters, Accounting, PeachTree, QuickBooks, QuickBase, Remote, Onsite, Virtual, Managed Services, Gaming, Game, Bingo, Casino, Homework, Tutor, Teaching, Training, and more.

Start with Templates
Microsoft Access and Excel templates can help you get started with most of you business needs. Help you find the right template and modify it to get you started fast and cheap. Dozens of templates for just about anything. Helps you get your hands on it and think through the process. Why re-invent the wheel!

Templates starters. Breakeven Analysis What If, Breakeven Analysis, Budget Dashboard, BugList, Bugs, CalculateAge, Calls, Cash Flow for Small Business, Contacts, Contacts Web Site, Contributions Web Site, Corporate Analysis, Corporate Profitability, CRM, Customer Service, Demo Manager, Depreciation Comparison, Events, Expenses, Expenses Actual and Budget, Faculty, Financial Comparison Analysis, Fixed Variable Budget, Home Inventory, Human Resources, Inventory, Inventory Desktop, Inventory Web Site, Issues Log, Issues Web Site, Ledger, Northwind Traders Demo Company, Northwind Web, Orders, Price Comparison, Projects, Projects Desktop, Projects Web Site, Property, Resources, Sales Dashboard, SalesPipeline, Small Business Cash Flow Projection, Small Business Valuation, Students, Tasks, Time Card, Time And Billing, Accounts, Address List, Asset List, Assets, Assets Management, Assets Web Site, Balance Sheet Ratios, Balance Sheet, Billable Time Projection.

Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Magenta
Start with a Content Management System, it's fast, you can edit your own pages online. Why wait for a programmer to post your changes. Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Magenta, Blogger, Any CMS, Install, Mods, and Hosting

New Business? How to Start Fast and Cheap!
Templates get you started with most of you business needs. Help you find the right solution and modify it to get you started fast and cheap.

Help with domain name search, registrar, host, web site
Help you find that perfect domain name. Wait don't stop there! Check for registered trade names so you don't have trouble down the road. Find the right web site host and design. Your web site host can be free and DIY, made from templates or content management systems, or completely custom with your own special graphics.

Enterprise for Anyprise
Tired of hearing about Enterprise Solutions, Enterprise Software that you can't afford! Sharepoint, Salesforce, Informatica, Cognos, CRM, CMS, ERP! Requiring huge information technology departments that are slow to get anything done. Now Enterprise is on the Cloud. You Can Afford IT! Office Cloud, Sharepoint Online, Visual Studio Version Control Development Online, Storage Online and on your local Cloud. Local and desktop solutions too.

Great Technology for Entrepreneurs, Startups and Small Business
Domain Name, Brand, Search, Apps, Mobile, Web Sites, Promotion, SEO, SEM, SMO, SMM, CMS, Sharepoint, Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, Office Suite, Template, Open Office, Office 365, Microsoft Cloud, Word Processing, Open Office, Google Apps, Spreadsheets, Excel, Database, Access, MySQL, SQL Server, Development, Programming, Integration, Migration, Import/Export, Reverse Engineering, Testing, VB, VBA, c#, .net, php, Java, LAMP, Presentation, PowerPoint, Visio, Documentation, Online Cloud, Smartsheets, Evernote, Reports, Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, PC, Desktop, Network, Security, Virus, Troubleshooting, Diagnostics, Help Desk, Printers, Copiers, Plotters, Accounting, Bookkeeping, PeachTree, QuickBooks, QuickBase, Remote, Onsite, Virtual, Managed Services, Gaming, Game, Bingo, Casino, Homework, Tutor, Teaching, Training, and more.

Help for Entrepreneurs and Small Business
Software, Applications, Web, Programming, Administration, Media, Data Warehousing, Reporting, Remote Help, PC, Network, Security, just about anything.

Help with organizing, and backing up your business records. Accounting, bookkeeping, inventory, customer relationship management (crm) for organizing marketing email and correspondence, content management system (cms) for organizing your office records, ms access and other databases, excel and other spreadsheets, powerpoint and other presentation software.